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Baby Bonnet
Introduction --
American Flags
Detail of Lakota Pipe Bag
Detail of Lakota Pipe Bag

Detail of Lakota Dress
Detail of Lakota Dress

The representations of everyday scenes on the baby bonnet are different than the abstract designs on the Dakota Pipe Bag or the Lakota women's dress. In the designs on the bag and the dress, abstract forms symbolize the natural world. Although the representational style on the bonnet is not as common as the abstract style found on the bag and dress, both are traditional in Plains beadwork. One is considered a proper style for men (representation) and the other style is reserved for women (abstract). Some colors that appear on the bonnet are not found on the dress or bag. They reflect the greater variety of colored beads available now, as well as the personal taste of the artist.

Pipe Bowl Elkhide Pipe Bag Shield Dress Bonnet Native Amercan History and Culture


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